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Pre-Consult with Planning

Building a new home, addition or accessory building can be both an exciting and daunting process, and it is always a good idea to involve Hastings Highlands’ Planning and Building Departments at the early conceptual stages.

When considering building or construction, your first step should be to ensure you have an Entrance Permit (Step 1), then submit a Pre-Consultation to check with Planning (Step 2) and then apply for a Building Permit (Step 3).

Why Pre-Consult with Planning?

The Municipality’s Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw specifies the permitted uses and the required standards for building and developing properties. They contain specific requirements that are legally enforceable. Construction or new development that doesn’t comply with a zoning bylaw is not allowed, and the municipality will refuse to issue a building permit.

You can complete a Pre-Consultation Form with a sketch/site plan for the Planning Department.

The Planning Department will provide a review of the proposal and let you know whether you can proceed to a Building Permit Application or whether there are issues, deficiencies, or concerns with the proposal.

These issues, deficiencies or concerns may prevent the development from occurring or may require additional work or approvals such as applying for an Application under Ontario's Planning Act (for example, a Minor Variance Application or Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application).


How do I complete a Pre-Consultation?

Please complete a Pre-Consultation Form and provide the completed Pre-Consultation Form, site plan, and additional documents to the Planning Department by:

  • Submitting a Customer Service Request. Include the completed form as an attachment within the request; or
  • By mail or drop-off to the Municipal Office (33011 Hwy 62, Box 130, Maynooth, ON K0L 2S0)


It is important to note that approval for certain applications or permits may be needed from other agencies.

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